3 Reasons Why Authors Should Blog

3 Reasons Why Authors Should Blog:

  • to interview authors in similar genres or topics;

  • to answer reader questions;

  • and to create beyond the book resources for their book(s)

1. Interview:

Interviewing authors in similar genres with numerous followers has multiple benefits. When the author interviewed shares the post with her followers, the interviewer's blog and book(s) reach a new market.

2. Answer questions:

Detailed email responses to questions authors answer frequently are good blog posts. Refer future people with that question to the blog link and say:

"There are many useful resources on my blog. Type your question in the search. If you don't find the answer email me the question I'll gladly answer it."

Then make the response a blog post too!

When a person does a Google search for the same question, the blog post will show up in the search. The more authors refer their posts the higher their ranking and book exposure becomes.

3. Book Resources:

Use writing, findings, or excerpts from a book's research as blog posts. This will answer reader questions like above and become teachable moments. Add hyperlinks throughout the blog to the resources. Inform the website or company that you are directing traffic to them. Ask if they might reciprocate by sharing information about you, the book, or pay to advertise in the blog post.

The blog is one of best ways to engage and continue reader discussions.

M. W. Adams, author of the Famiy Tree Novel series


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