
Mark Wayne is very happy to introduce himself; however, should hosts want to do so below is information they can utilize. Feel free to use as much or as little when introducing Mark Wayne.

  • Mark Wayne Adams Inc. is a family-owned publishing business. The company’s namesake and our speaker today has always had a passion for creating and inspiring others. Mark Wayne was inspired to chase his entrepreneurial dream in the 3rd grade, selling drawings to classmates. Welcome, Mark Wayne Adams.

  • Mark Wayne’s ability to produce quality illustrations at a fast pace, and his dedication to mentoring others has made Mark Wayne Adams, Inc. both successful and unique. In the past decade, his authors have won hundreds of book awards and he continues to create new, successful products annually. Welcome, Mark Wayne Adams.

  • Mark Wayne has been recognized through the KY Governor’s School for the Arts, KY Assoc. of Counties, the Florida Authors & Publishers Association, the Independent Book Publishers Association, Readers’ Favorite Illustration and Book Awards, and . . . you get the idea. With no further adieu, welcome Mark Wayne Adams.

  • Mark Wayne Adams contributes his talents and time to the community locally and nationally by promoting reading, writing, and illustration through public speaking engagements. His attendance at today’s event will be enlightening and engaging. Welcome, Mark Wayne Adams.

  • Mark is a Former President for the Florida Authors & Publishers Association. Known as FAPA, this publishing resource hosts conferences and the annual FAPA President’s Book Awards, which recognizes book publishing excellence and creativity in design, content and production for North American authors and publishers. His contributions to this organization will make today’s event enlightening for all ages. With no further adieu, welcome Mark Wayne Adams.

  • Mark Wayne Adams and his family reside in Central Florida with their dogs. He cleans his own pool, mows his yard, and cooks dinner most of the year. Don’t let him fool you. He is much more entertaining than he lets on. Please welcome Mark Wayne Adams.


Book Awards—Long List

